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a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts

If you aren’t already slathering Whipped Coconut Oil on your face/body, read on to be convinced that you should!

Several years ago I talked about Coconut Oil for your skin. I have been slathering it on my skin now for the past FOUR YEARS, every day. I can without a doubt say that it is THE best thing I have ever done for my skin, my face in particular.

Living where I do, my coconut is solid all the time. It’s solid at 76 degrees and I live in Idaho . . . so it doesn’t get much warmer than that in my house. I got tired of digging chunks out of the container to rub over my skin, so I started whipping it years ago and haven’t looked back. This stuff is heaven in a jar.
whipped coconut oil
 Vitamin E oil is exceptional for your skin. It nourishes, tightens pores, and reduces the appearance of stretch marks and scars. I had been using it separately on my stretch marks, but it’s so much nicer blended in with the coconut oil – less tacky on the skin. I love this mixture.

Frankincense is one of the “when in doubt, reach for . . . ” oils that I use a lot. One of its many, many benefits is that it is fabulous for the skin. It helps your skin look and feel soft and radiant – and who doesn’t want that? It nourishes and strengthens the skin as well. I had to get used to the smell at first and putting it on my face, but now I don’t even notice it and I love the difference it’s made to my whipped coconut oil!

I started adding the wild orange oil a couple of years ago because citrus oils are also very nourishing for the skin and help with tightening, cleansing, and radiance. Plus, it smells fantastic!

I have noticed some major benefits of putting coconut oil on my face. First of all, I have always had blackheads on my nose. Ever since puberty, they have been there. Nothing terrible, but a constant companion . . . I now have hardly ANY. I would say I don’t have any, but there’s probably a couple hiding. However, you can’t really tell. They are no longer visible, they have shrunk in size and it’s truly amazing to me.

If I eat dairy products or lots of sugar, and at a certain time of the month I get a couple of zits, but otherwise I no longer get them. I have never struggled with acne, oily skin or it being super dry, but I always have had a zit or two. Not anymore.

I know that the idea of putting oil on your face might seem counter-intuitive. Although it goes against everything that popular culture has always told you about your skin and it clogging your pores, etc., that is simply not true.

Our skin and hair have natural protective barriers made up of many things, including OIL. When you strip that oil away with cleansers and don’t replace it, your skin breaks out and makes all sorts of problems for you.

Using oils on your face actually helps to regulate oil production, so it’s working with your body’s natural processes to make your skin look and feel its best. It also fills in any gaps just beneath the surface of your skin and plumps it up, giving it a really healthy glow.

Is it horrible of me to say that sometimes I like to stroke my face and it makes me grin because it’s so soft? Probably. But it’s true.

That being said, when you first begin cleansing and moisturizing your skin with oil, it will most likely cause a breakout as the oil cleans out all of the dirt from your pores. Your skin adjusts and cleans house, then you start seeing the benefits.

Another great benefit I have seen using this is in my skin tone. I have always had uneven skin, especially on my face. It hasn’t ever been a “bother” for me, but I was aware of it. I’ve never worn foundation or cover up on my face, so it’s been a bit red and blotchy my entire life.

Since I started using whipped coconut oil on my face, my skin tone has evened out drastically. This is incredible to me, and not an effect I was expecting to happen.
I cannot say enough good things about putting this oil on your face/skin. It has completely transformed mine, and I know that a lot of people struggle with their skin. Please, please try it if you are looking for some help in this area. It’s worth a shot.

Go whip some up and let me know what it does for you!



Comments +

  1. Lacey says:

    I'm going to try whipping mine now. It sounds heavenly! I've been using it on my skin ever since you recommended it months and months ago and I tell everyone about it. I've had the same luck with the blackheads on my chin. They are GONE. And I have a little scar next to my eye that is barely even noticeable anymore. So far you haven't steered me wrong! Thank you! 🙂

    p.s. I made some coconut lime sugar scrub for a friend's birthday that smelled amazing, and she can't stop telling me how great it works, especially on her feet!

  2. Amber says:

    I”m going to try and whip mine too. i LOVE coconut oil on my skin. I've been putting in on my face for a while and love it. but the biggest difference i've noticed is on my legs. i started using in on my calves after my shower… and geez. within one week there has been a HUGE difference in my skin texture. it's crazy.

  3. AKutarna says:

    I have never heard of whipping it, but I will have to try! I too use it all over my body and face and love it! Also, love the new blog look!!

  4. Haley says:

    I absolutely can’t wait to try this!

  5. GiGi Eats says:

    Er um. I wanna eat this. LOL!

  6. Hayley says:

    I just discovered your blog and am LOVING it!! Thanks for all your inspiration! I’m going out to get vitamin e oil tonight and whipping this up first thing tomorrow.

  7. Austin says:

    Just made this today and it is amazzzzing! I’m saying no to dry skin this winter! Also, this is a great recipe for those who want something natural but are on a budget! #getthatfinancialpeace right??

  8. Nancy says:

    Would the Cirus Fresh EO by Young Living be an ok substitute for the Wild Orange?

  9. Stephanie Humphreys says:

    Would it work to make this without the essential oils? I haven’t gotten into that yet and don’t have any on hand.

    • Kelsey says:

      Yes, it definitely will! The oils help with certain things, but coconut oil alone is great for the skin. Just whip it up!

  10. Margaret says:

    I’m really excited to try this. Do you know of a good eye cream? I’m pushing 60, and I need something for around my eyes. I’ve been using Oil of Olay for about 25 years (AAACCCHHH!!! I know that’s probably really, really bad for me, but we didn’t know about essential oils back in the 50’s and 60’s.)

    • Kelsey says:

      I am so glad you are going to try it! It’s so fabulous. haha. Don’t sweat the oil of olay. Like you said, no one knew better! I have been really impressed with the beauty counter products. They are natural and are the best you will find on the market. I use their charcoal bar to cleanse my face and it’s my favorite. I have a girl that I go through, so I can give you her info. I know they have a great eye cream! Her name is lindsay: lindsaysbeautycounter@gmail.com

      This is her site: http://www.beautycounter.com/skin-care/skin-prep/charcoal-cleansing-bar.html

      hope that helps! she said they have a great promotion right now if you want to contact her about that!

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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