Explore the Blog

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts

It’s 2015. Everyone is making resolutions, heading to the gym, trying to eat better, wanting to be a better parent (more patient/calm/present, etc), wanting to unplug, the list goes ON. It’s been proven that New Year’s resolutions don’t work. But what is the harm in an honest goal that will make your life better?

My goals right now are pretty simple:
– get back to feeling healthy and strong
– get more sleep i.e. teach a baby to sleep so that I can get some!
– juice more (shoot for 1 a day)
– blog more
– cut out the unnecessary

The last two might contradict themselves . . . ha. But I don’t see blogging as unnecessary. I truly don’t. For my family blog, those are memories and journal entries that my children can always look back on and love. For this blog, I find it a great outlet to share things I’ve learned, recipes I’ve tried, and just things that work for me and my family. It’s not a place where I make money or try to turn it into my job (I already have one of those and it’s very demanding – MOTHERHOOD). It’s just fun for me to take pictures and post about random bits of information. That is why it’s never been a super consistent thing – I post when I can. Which, for the past 7 months, hasn’t been that often.

I have tons of recipes overrunning my file, but I just haven’t found the time to sit and post them. I have even more things I want to write about and remember popping up in my head all the time. So this year I have decided to try and post once/week. Nothing crazy, no huge commitment, but SOMETHING. That way it still keeps it fun for me, because I’m not feeling like I HAVE to post on certain days. Maybe I will get into a groove and find more to add, but for the start of this new year I am focusing on my own health and I have some pretty ambitious goals for my children as well (more on that later – it’s an experiment in progress).

We have been eating really well since the new year. I have only had one day that was terrible – last Sunday. We went to dinner at my in-laws and it was like a free-for-all with cookies and chocolate covered raisins! My girls didn’t eat much, but I did. I had a horrible stomach ache that night because I hadn’t had sugar in weeks, then suddenly binged. It was gross. We have been juicing every single day since January 1 and I have noticed HUGE differences in my life. First of all, my skin is getting pretty awesome (after the initial post-Christmas junk cleanse), my pores are shrinking and it’s so soft and getting tighter (if that makes sense). Secondly, I have way more energy and just feel healthier. I know that it’s not just the juice, it’s combined with cutting out sugar, not eating a lot of dairy (which is super inflammatory and terrible for your skin), and exercising.

A note about the sugar – I haven’t consciously or crazily cut it out, it just sort of happened. When you are drinking a lot of juice, your body naturally craves healthier food and doesn’t want sugar and sweets as much. It wasn’t something I really even decided, it has been a side effect of drinking juice so much! I have also been just drinking a lot of water, Calli, herbal teas, Crio Bru, etc.

I started INSANITY again last week. Tomorrow I will have completed the first two weeks of the program and I can already see changes in my body. I will say it until the day I die: I am a happier, more patient, calmer mother when I exercise every day. I feel better, and my children get the rewards of that mood. It’s amazing. Each time I start again I can’t believe the difference it makes in my life. The past 6 months have been crazy with this new baby. He hated sleeping in any kind of pattern, was super fussy, and I was just exhausted most of the time. So I didn’t work out because every time I tried I just knew my body couldn’t handle it without any sleep. Now I am at a place where I feel excited about it again, I am getting more sleep, and it’s perfect timing.

Those are a few of my goals. I have made a conscious effort to post on Instagram a lot, so that I am at least getting little tid bits here and there to those who care. So follow me there if you want to see lots of pictures of bread and juice . . . @modernhealthymom.

What are some of your resolutions/goals?!?!

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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