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a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts

I introduced you to fermented foods in this post. There is so much more information, it’s hard to know where to start. One of the things that really speaks truth to me about adding fermented foods to your diet is the ability they have to change behaviors. Because of the gut-brain axis I talked about in my previous post, behaviors can be linked to the gut. Think about this for a minute. By consuming foods that destroy and impair your gut, you are causing damage to your body’s ability to communicate effectively within its systems.

One thing that I profess a lot is that most people have no idea how bad they really feel. It’s true. Most of us are living life and we think that this is just the way things are – we feel tired all the time, our brain gets fuzzy, we have lots of headaches or stomach aches or bloating/cramping/indigestion, we have zero energy, we sleep poorly, the list goes on. Until you truly cleanse out and heal your gut and eat real food that is meant to help your body perform the way it was designed to, you will never know anything different. There is potential for you to feel and look amazing, to sleep peacefully and deeply, to wake feeling like a million bucks and ready to go, to have constant energy all day long, to run and play with your kids and not have it feel like a chore — these seem like a dream to some.

It’s all about what you put into your mouth. Some people exercise like crazy and can’t seem to drop the weight like they want to. I am telling you – what you eat will have more of an impact on your life, your weight, how you feel, etc. than ANY exercise program ever will. So if you are a work out fanatic but are frustrated that you aren’t reaching your goals – take a look at what you are eating. Or if you want to lose weight but the thought of going out on a run seems daunting – change your diet instead. The power is in food. The power to heal and thrive, or the power to break down and feel awful.

All disease begins in the gut.


Studies have been done to show the link between some development and behavioral issues and gut health that are pretty exciting. If I went into detail you would probably think I was CRAZY (if you don’t already) and would stop reading immediately. But I firmly believe this is where the science is heading, so one day you will hear more about it (and I won’t be so crazy).

I feel that the science is finally catching up to what our ancestors were clued into long before our time. Hippocrates said this over 2,000 years ago and we are just in the last two decades beginning to find that an unhealthy gut contributes to a lot of diseases including: diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, chronic fatigue, autism, adhd, and more!

There is a movement right now among some researchers to get “psychobiotic” drugs out there (basically adding more probiotics and fermented foods, but they wouldn’t dare say that diet has anything to do with it . . . it has to be labeled as a “drug.”

I find it interesting that these ideas aren’t accepted until it’s “science” and I wish they would hurry up already. But for those who know that this just “makes sense,” I’m with you and am doing what I can now to feel and look my best, using foods that will feed my gut.

The more I delve into the gut-brain connection and how a healthy gut can transform lives, the more excited I get. If you have ever talked to me face to face about this subject, you know I get a little crazy hyper about it! There are so many people out there suffering, and so many who don’t know where to look for answers.

That doesn’t mean reading a random blog post on the internet is the best answer, but if it excites more questions and deeper research and knowledge gained, then I am happy to post my little posts all day long.

I’m constantly learning, and encourage you to do the same. If you aren’t consuming fermented foods as part of your diet, I can’t stress enough how important they are. Everything starts in the gut. If it’s damaged, heal it. If it’s not (but trust me, most are), then start adding in these fermented foods and probiotics right away. Finding a good quality probiotic supplement is key to optimal gut health. And as always, if you want to hear me geek out, just ask me more questions!

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  1. Hi! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you
    if that would be ok. I’m definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.

  2. Stacy says:

    Would love more info on this. my son has high functioning autism and I was told about healing gut years ago. One diet used bone broth. The problem is most on spectrum have very restrictive diets and intense food aversion or reactions. There is no way I can get any broth down him. He only does water and milk. He won’t eat a single fruit or veggie. We’ve tried over years. Trust me. He gags and screams. Smoothies are closest we get and I put in green veggies and carrots and fruits and avocado. Does it work to add bone broth to smoothies. Eww! Any suggestions would be great! What’s best probiotic option for him? Greek yogurt or a supplement?

    • Kelsey says:

      I wouldn’t add bone broth to smoothies — BUT, I wrote a post all about gelatin and homemade jello — it’s very kid approved! My kids all devour the stuff, and the gelatin is going to provide all of those good benefits like a broth would. It’s a really good option for kids who don’t love sipping a cup of broth. you can even add it to smoothies as well if you wanted.
      As for a probiotic, I would try and stay away from greek yogurt or other commercial dairy if possible. If you have access to raw cultured dairy that would be great (and I’m jealous), but if not, try a supplement. There are lots and varying opinions on supplements. I haven’t tried one for my children, but have heard the brand “bio-kult” is a good one. My kids get their probiotics through sourdough bread, pickles, and water kefir. They drink a lot of kefir! If your son will take it, I would go for even a milk kefir from the store instead of greek yogurt — it has a lot more probiotics and is easily hidden in a smoothie. Opt for the plain variety and just throw it in with some fruit and whatever else you are blending!

      Another tip is to not use anti-bacterial soaps and things on him. That just destroys ALL bacteria — even the good stuff we are trying to cultivate! I think you are doing great, your smoothies sound awesome and you are getting lots of good stuff in him with those — good job! One thing that is very destructive on the gut is gluten – have you tried removing it? I know it’s the hardest thing to take away from kids, but people have great results from that! One of the major reasons I am obsessed with natural yeast baking is that it provides great probiotics and breaks down that gluten so it’s not so harsh and can be easily digested. Just an option!

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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