a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts

  1. […] ones to buy, but I have a post all about deciphering labels to get the most nutrient dense eggs, HERE. If you read that, you know why I add the “pastured” to this superfood label. It is […]

  2. Erica Layne says:

    Excellent post! Not long ago I read the Wild Diet, and he de-bunked for me some other the labeling myths. It’s annoying how little a label can mean, right?! I’d switched since then to buy organic eggs or finagling some from my friends who have chickens! Now I’m going to start looking for the “pasture raised” label. Thanks!

    (Followed over from your superfoods post at SAT!)

    • Kelsey says:

      Awesome Erica! haha. I need some friends to raise chickens too. That would be nice. I hate labeling. It’s just so deceiving.Thanks for popping over!

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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eat the yolks simple life by kels
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