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a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts



“Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.” ⠀

I don’t remember where I heard that. But I latched onto it and have it in my office. Because if there is one thing I know, it’s that living in gratitude. And practicing it DAILY, can start a shift that changes your whole world. ????

I started by writing down 10 things every day that I was grateful for. And, I have been doing it nearly every single day for over a year and a half.

Since that time, so many things have shifted in the way I view my world. And my business, and my family. So much so, that I really do feel like I need a telescope to look back at where I was a few years ago.

Some days I am grateful for my bed, and other days for my thriving global business. Also, I write things I am grateful for right now that haven’t even shown up yet in my life. But I express gratitude for them as if they’ve already happened.

It all started with gratitude. DO NOT discount the small simple things like writing your grateful list every day.

Compounded over time, they make the greatest impact. ????

See my instagram for daily tips. And find more posts that will help build your mindset!

Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.

gratitude journal

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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