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a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.
Hi, I'm Kels!

The Best Sourdough Glazed Donuts

I want everyone to read the following. Even if it’s just as a favor to me because I am your daughter, sister, niece, neighbor, etc., please just read it. It is by far one of the best I have read that accurately sums up my nutrition philosophy and everything that I believe to be true about food and how our bodies handle the food we eat. I LOVE this and wish I could make everyone read and understand what I have been trying to for so long. Unfortunately, not everyone will listen. Oh well. I can hope that at least one of these points will hit home with at least one person, and that would be progress. If you read this blog at all, you know my favorite point is about EATING FAT!!! Do it. I can’t stand the low-fat gimmicks that people still buy into, even though they have been refuted and proven time and again to be false and basically a huge marketing ploy. People will believe it’s better for them if it says, “Low Fat.” It’s so wrong.

Here is the link:


Read it. Live it. Love it. See your life and your body change because of it. PLEASE.

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about me

Hey, I'm Kels!

a homeschooling mom of four who used to blog about food, has a book about sourdough, and who is now walking through the grief of losing my dad.

I have lots of recipes and resources, but now it's just about me being real, walking through the messy and beautiful parts of life.


How to Make Your Own Sourdough Starter

I am so excited to take you, step by step, through the process of making your own sourdough starter. It might seem a little intimidating at first, but if you stick with it, your time and patience will be rewarded with a lifetime of sourdough goodies!

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