Hello all!
This is a boring tech post, but I felt that it had to be done! When I first started this blog, I had no clue there was so much to it. I thought I would write, post recipes, people would start giving me free products, paying me to promote their things, and I would get tons of money through advertising. Overnight. Right? Sounds like a dream!
Let me tell you, blogging is WORK.
There are things I LOVE:
- taking pictures of food, editing pictures of food, drooling over pictures of food
- creating new recipes, revamping old ones, and sharing them with you
- reading and learning all about health and sharing that knowledge with others
- meeting people and creating genuine relationships that I cherish
- teaching classes and connecting even more with people in real life
- writing. I used to hate it, and I’m not where I want to be yet, but I have come to really enjoy this little space where I can be myself and get to know others along the way. When I first started I tried to be uber grammatically correct and had my posts edited by my sis-in-law and my husband. I felt it had to be perfect. But that isn’t ME. I am casual, sarcastic, and tend to put WAY too many thoughts into one sentence. It’s been freeing to release that pressure and let my thoughts come out through my posts over the last couple of years.
There are things I don’t love as much:
- legal stuff
- technical ANYTHING. I am terrible with coding and knowing what the heck all of those little symbols and weird words mean. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!?
- when my site crashes and I have a heart attack. This has happened twice in 4 years, and it’s THE WORST
- annoying spam comments — I am working on this one and it’s getting better, thankfully
- learning about social media and picking and choosing which platforms to focus on – I can’t do it all!
In that not so fun list, is the legal stuff and tech stuff. I am writing this post to point you to my disclosure page, which I am sure no one has ever looked at (not only has google analytics told me so, but I NEVER look at disclosure pages on blogs, so I figure you don’t either)!
But I have one, it’s there, and it spells out some of the details on how I run this little space on the internet!
Go give it a peek, if you wish. If you don’t wish, then forget this post ever happened and continue browsing.
Just to keep you coming back . . .
As always, thanks for the support and love!
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